A delightfully meaty fish with fairly light flesh and mild flavors, our Indian mackerel is one of the most widely consumed fish varieties in India. Deliciously plump with a firm texture, its flesh stays firm for all methods of cooking but breaks up easily on the plate into large flakes.
Ideal for:Stuffed recipies, Meen Kuzhambu, Fish Fry, Goan Fish curry, Bengali recipies
Slices: 4-5 Pieces of Whole Fish Degutted and packed.
Freshness Indicator: Firm, moist, shiny, and cold to touch, the fish should bounce back when touched. The eyes should be clear with no cloudiness.
Also known as:Aila, Ayala, Kanangeluthi, Kaanakaathai, Bangda
Tips:As the skin of the mackerel disintegrates quickly, it should ideally be consumed within 2-3 days of purchase.